Hydrate Sweet Kitty Vsteam Pack
This is a cooling blend of herbs for those with menstrual cycles 28 days apart or longer, who are experiencing vaginal dryness, heat, or itching without other signs of infection. This blend is also supportive for menopause.
Our Sweet Kitty Yoni Tea is our herbal vaginal steam made with a special blend of unique herbs to help aid in toning and balancing your pH level while leaving your kitty feeling fresh!
This blend is for:
- Users with Partial or Full Hysterectomies
- Users with Hot Flashes
- Users with Night Sweats
- Users with Vaginal Dryness
- Users who live in Hot, Dry Climates
- Users with Mild Infections or Viruses that are accompanied with vaginal burning or vaginal dryness
Questions to ask yourself if you are considering if this is the right blend for you at this time.
Are you going through "the change"?
Do you live somewhere extremely hot and dry?
Have you had a full or partial hysterectomy?
Are you experiencing hot flashes and or night sweats? Has vaginal dryness become a serious issue when it comes to pleasure?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, this blend is for you!
A Proprietary herbal blend that includes Rose petals, Lavender, Raspberry Leaf and mints created to increase circulation and nourishment to the womb.
- Removing old matter from the vagina and the uterus.
- Encouraging blood flow and energy movement in the uterus.
- Increase in vaginal wetness and vaginal tightness.
- Allowing the benefits of herbs to get right to the vagina.
- Promoting fertility.
- Regulating menstrual cycles.
- Decreasing menstrual cycle pain.
- Having a spiritual & emotional release
- Libido increases.
- Pregnant
- Within 48 hours of childbirth
- Breastfeeding
- Using hormone replacement therapy
- If you have kidney disease.
- Do not use it on your menstrual cycle or right after vaginal intercourse.
- Steam 2-3 times a month except when menstruating.
- We don't recommend using right after sexual intercourse, while you are menstruating, or if you have an IUD use precaution.
The content of this website is for educational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health conditions. The information provided herein should not be considered as a substitute of a medical doctor or other healthcare professional. We recommend you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.